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  1. Melev

    In my research I cam across some podcasts relating to fishtanks, one of which was reefcast and have been listening to all of the episodes non stop and love it. Then I saw that im coming close to the end and that there hasnt been an episode since sept 2009.

    Luckily I love melevsreef and have stumbled across reefaddicts. Just joined, posted my tank progress and have downloaded all of the podcasts. I am in the car all day for work and love listening to podcasts on various topics. ...

    Updated 09-25-2010 at 02:00 PM by melev

    Random Thoughts
  2. New to Saltwater new to reef addicts

    Well it all started when I got a jones for owning another fishtank. I had owned freshwater tanks off and on as a kid. Now that I am almost 30 I really wanted to get a SW tank. So I moved into a house last year that had an awesome spot for a fish tank. The wall separated two rooms and had a space about 4 feet wide, 2 feet deep and 4-5 feet tall. So I was looking at a 55gallon tank. The more research I did the more I wanted to utilize a sump and the more equipment I realized I would have to ...
    Tank Entry , ‎ Tank - Full Summary , ‎ DIY projects
  3. Sept 24: Here's the current situation

    Now that I am home for a bit and have time to prepare the fishroom for the new tank, I figured I better shoot a video of what things are like here. It is about to change quite a bit, so I thought this would be a fun clip.

    Tank Entry
  4. Bio-pellets and phosphates

    I started a blog on my local club site about using bio-pellets but I thought I see if more people are using them here. I haven't used them long, I only started 9-5-10, but I think I have already seen some positive results. When I started my phosphate levels (on a hanna meter) were 0.29ppm. I have the pellets in a bulk-reef supply reactor that seems to be working fairly well. At first I thought I was going to have some issues with clogging since the pellets stopped tumbling for several days. ...
    Water Chemistry
  5. Basic Frag Tank

    I know this subject has been discussed probably more than anyone can count, but I need to be sure on this. I have been fighting Maidens Hair, for almost a year now and it seems as though you simply can not kill this stuff while it's in the water. So I want to remove my coral, what I can save that is, and then remove my rock and nuke it.

    I have a 55 gal w/ a PM R30 fuge and a PM 100 skimmer. I have 7 small fish, 2 sand stars, 2 conchs, and 1 long tentacle anemone,plus the usual clean ...