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  1. Inspecting and repairing a American DJ switch

    Last night, while cleaning out my living room, I accidentally got one of the American DJ switch assemblies wet. I quickly unplugged it and dried it off, and today I opened it up for inspection. What I discovered was a discolored spot at one of the connections. There was no water inside, fortunately.

    Here's how to open one up. Remove it from use, unplug it of course, and remove the two screws from each end.


    Updated 02-14-2011 at 11:01 PM by melev

  2. Waterproofing the inside of my wood tank stand

    Does any one have any ideas how to waterproof the inside of my wood tank stand? I was planning on using something called STARCO PERMA-SEAL Flexible Elastomer Coating.*.html

    A Multipurpose, continuous coating instant leak sealer. PERMA-SEAL can be applied to any surface to provide a waterproof flexible continuous rubber coating that will stop leaks and act as a barrier ...
  3. Picture update

    I've been absent for the past week or so because my family was in town. Now that things are back to normal, I thought I'd share a few images and update on how the 400g is progressing.

    First off, I have to report a couple of losses. The Gudgeon Goby that I've had for the past 3 years was seen blowing around the tank last week. I don't know why it died. And Dyson, the Mimic Filefish was last seen sucking up food like spaghetti last Saturday night, and then vanished. I finally found ...
    Tank Entry
  4. Green Your Reef! DIY's On The Cheap

    There's nothing more I love than a practical DIY on the cheap. Actually, what I think I love more is putting all the odds and ends saved from where ever to good use. And over the years, not saving odds and ends from various projects or broken equipment usually leads to a trip to a hardware store. In my basement, I'll admit to a couple of coolers full of PVC fittings, a broken protein skimmer, odd lengths of airline, scraps of plexi-glass and I don't want to know how many linear feet of pipe and ...
    Electrical , ‎ Plumbing , ‎ Lighting , ‎ Random Thoughts
  5. Rockscaping and saltwater at last!

    With everything done, it was time to move the bonded rock into the display. I had a sinking feeling it wouldn't hold together, but wanted to will it with Jedi Might to stay strong. Using a large piece of 3/8" thick scrap acrylic, we hoped we could slide parts of the structure onto it and lift this into the tank. Unfortunately, the concrete material didn't hold strong, and as you might imagine at 2 a.m. the expletives were flying. All that hard work on Ryan's part was being undone, mostly because ...

    Updated 02-01-2011 at 02:00 AM by melev

    Tank Entry
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